Dear Green Party Member,

I’m asking for your vote for Party Leader as we embark on the next chapter for the Green Party. 

I’m incredibly proud of the enormous impact our Party has had in Irish life over the past 40 years. Throughout that time, we have remained a group of principled, determined people; serious about making the changes so critically needed to safeguard our common home from total destruction. 

It’s a job that I’ve dedicated my life to, and one I’d like to continue as Leader.

I joined the Green Party when I was 18. After 24 years, 10 elections, 8 years as Party Chair, serving as a Councillor, TD and now a Minister, I’ve seen us achieve so much together.

The Green Party is firmly established as a distinct, progressive force in Irish politics - we all know that has never been an easy task, but we have succeeded in building an impressive political project of change. However, we’ve seen that the support we’ve worked so hard to build up can fall back; we’ve seen our record subject to populist attack from those with no answer to the hard questions. 

Our next Party Leader will need to build back that support. In order to do that, we need to prove that Green Party policies are focused on the challenges of today every bit as much as those of tomorrow. These challenges are inextricably linked. Our solutions - on climate, on restoring nature, on transport, on housing, on supporting families, on ensuring equal outcomes for all in our society - are designed for the benefit of everyone on this island, regardless of where they live.

I believe this is our best pathway to broaden our support. That is what I have focused on in my time as Minister. I’ve worked hard to help families - by September this year, we’ll have halved the cost of childcare and supported 105,000 children through the National Childcare Scheme.

We’ll have expanded paid Parents’ Leave to 9 weeks per parent. I’ve put the right to remote working into law for the first time, and delivered statutory flexible working for carers. I’ve increased the rate of Foster Carers allowance, introduced paid Domestic Violence leave, and passed the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Act.

All Green policies, all transformative, all delivering benefits today while supporting better outcomes tomorrow - benefits felt in Ballina and Ballsbridge alike. 

I’ve seen first-hand how what happens globally can have huge implications for our country. As Minister, leading Ireland’s response to the worst humanitarian crisis in Europe since the Second World War has presented a challenge like no other. I know that when trusted with a position of responsibility, it’s the challenge that makes you. It’s this same energy and commitment to do the right thing that I know is required to meet the other systemic challenges we face - climate breakdown, nature loss, the task of ensuring this State delivers for its most vulnerable. This is the commitment I would bring as Leader, driving forward Green solutions to all of these issues. Under my leadership, that pledge to deliver - to act, where other parties falter - will continue. 

We have an optimistic message to put to the people in the next general election. We are the innovators in Government, and we have a record of delivery of Green policies across each of our ministries of which we can be proud and which we should centre in our campaign. We know there is no room for complacency when it comes to taking action to mitigate the worst impacts of climate breakdown, but equally we cannot be complacent about the struggles people face in their everyday lives – in urban and rural areas alike, in cities, in suburbs, in towns and villages.

Our message, and our mission, must be broad – action on climate, delivery for families, communities and the most vulnerable, always focused on building a better tomorrow for everyone.

Meet My Supporters

  • Minister of State for Community Development, Integration.

    The hardest working & most driven person I know & has been steeped in Green Party at every level for decades. Our best candidate for leader. Charities, Green Party TD for Fingal.

  • Dublin City Councillor for the North Inner City

    Roderic has already shown great leadership for our party - taking on, arguably, the hardest job in Irish politics while keeping our values of equality, care, humanitarianism, and climate action front and centre. I trust him to take on this next role with similar dedication!

  • Deputy Lord Mayor of Cork City Council; Councillor for Cork City South East

    It is vital that the next Green Party Leader brings back the people & voters on our side. I trust Roderic , with his vision, determination, and energy, to achieve this goal. I will give him my nomination.

  • Louth County Councillor since 2009

    I have known Roderic for a very long time! You won’t meet a more capable and hardworking politician!

  • Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Councillor for Dundrum

    This week presents an opportunity for the Green Party to refresh and renew. I'm backing Rod to bring a new leadership and a new vision forward for the Greens.

  • Dublin City Councillor for Ballyfermot-Drimnagh

    I've seen him do a huge amount of work in his department, but also to build the party. He has always been there with advice and support, because he has always believed that the work we are doing is important

  • Dublin City Councillor for Cabra/Glasnevin.

    Roderic is a friend and a colleague. He's Green to the core and has been involved in building a fairer and more sustainable future.

  • Belfast City Councillor for Ormiston

    I am very happy to say that I'll be endorsing Roderic for the leadership of the Irish Greens, the only truly cross-community all-island party capable of representing everyone on the island

  • Minister of State for Nature, Heritage & Electoral Reform. Green Party T.D. for Carlow Kilkenny

    I have worked closely with Roderic for all of my political career. His experience, dedication, strategic vision, and work ethic are what we need.

  • Green Leader, Dublin City Council and Councillor for South West Inner City

    There is nobody I would trust more than Roderic to lead our party. He's got principles, decency, and experience - and a work ethic that can't be matched. He has 100% got my vote for leader.

  • Leas Cathaoirleach and Green Leader Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council; Councillor for Stillorgan

    Delighted to see my colleague and friend Roderic standing forward to lead the Green Party.

  • Former National Coordinator, Party Member for over 17 years

    I have campaigned with Roderic countless times throughout this island and benefited from his support and advice as both a candidate and campaign manager. As our next party leader, his electoral experience, strategic thinking and track record of helping candidates throughout our country would be critical to our success in the next General Election and beyond. 

  • Former Lord Mayor of Dublin, Dublin City Councillor for Pembroke

    I've known Roderic for a long time now. If I was to describe him in one word it's that he's a fighter. He's the type of leader we need right now as we continue in a climate crisis and an impending election.

  • Deputy Lord Mayor of Fingal County Council 2021-2022

    Roderic has been such an amazing mentor during our time together on Fingal County Council and was a strong leader as Cathaoirleach as the Greens. I am proudly backing Roderic to be the next leader of the Greens and bring the party into a new era.

  • Macroom

    As well as managing his mammoth ministerial portfolio he took the time to canvas the length and breadth of the country with first time candidates in advance of the locals! For that he has my vote!

  • Green Party rep for Cobh

  • Dublin City Councillor for Kimmage-Rathmines

    Roderic's contribution to the Green Party's survival and growth has been immeasurable, and through it all, he’s shown grit, determination, and drive, but decency and fair-mindedness too.

  • Councillor for Greystones

  • Councillor for Holywood & Clandeboye

  • Ards and North Down Councillor for Bangor West

    In advance of the final leadership hustings today, I am delighted to give

    Roderic my endorsement for leader of the Green Party in the South. Roderic has been a friend to Greens in Northern Ireland & I value his long term commitment and assistance to our work in North Down.

  • Cork Greens, East Belfast Greens.

    When Green electoral support was low, Roderic put in the hard, unglamorous work to rebuild the party. When Green electoral support was high, Roderic harnessed this into real action and improved the lives of people in every county of Ireland. He's proven he can deliver, in good times and in bad. Whatever the future holds, I'd trust Rod to help navigate it.

  • Green Party TD for Waterford

    I'll be giving Roderic my backing to become the leader of the Greens in Ireland. He has a lifetime of experience, knows the party root and branch, and can tie together two founding principles of our party - facing the environmental crisis while respecting social justice.

My Record

Increased State funding for childcare from €600m to more than €1 billion, and delivered an average 50% reduction in childcare costs for parents.

Led Ireland’s humanitarian response to the many thousands of Ukrainians displaced by the Russian invasion, ensuring accommodation could be provided to over 70,000 Ukrainians seeking refuge in Ireland

Introduced a right to flexible working arrangements for caring purposes, and a right to request remote working.

Introduced a right to paid leave for victims of domestic violence

Expanded paid Parent’s Leave from 2 weeks to 9 weeks

Introduced Equal Start, a DEIS model for Early Years, ensuring access to early learning and childcare for marginalised and vulnerable children

Secured the first ever pay agreement and raised minimum pay rates for childcare workers, resulting in a pay rise for more than 70% of workers.

Passed the Gender Pay Gap Act to tackle pay disparity between women and men by providing pay transparency and supporting more equal workplaces.

Passed the Birth Information and Tracing Act, 2022 which for the first time provides a clear and full right of access to all information for adopted people.

Introduced the Little Library initiative, which saw every child starting school receive a free bag of children’s books from their local library.

Passed legislation to ensure Adoptive Leave is available to male same-sex couples.

Passed the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Act 2022 which abolished the nineteenth century concept of wardship and established the new Decision Support Service, giving new rights to people with disabilities.

Delivered a pilot scheme of Little Baby Bundles for expectant parents to the value of more than €300 each, with the intention of wider expansion in future budgets.

Alongside Minister Eamon Ryan, worked with youth organisations to introduce the Youth Travel Card, reducing public transport costs for young people by 50%.

Experience, Dedication, Achievement

I first became involved in the Green Party when I was 10. Since then, I've worked with candidates across Ireland to win seats, knocking on doors up and down the country.

I've fought ten elections as a candidate. I’ve served 8 years as Party Chair, I’ve been a councillor, a TD, and a Minister. I have stood with Green candidates and members through good times and bad.

Throughout, I've seen how Greens blend principles with pragmatism. We don’t just talk about the need for change: we deliver it.

We're going to need to keep going. 

Some in politics are pursuing a divisive anti-Green agenda. As Greens, we need to stand firm against this. We have to defend our planet, our principles, and our proudly diverse communities.  I am not willing to see progress reversed. I will work hard, as a committed Green Party TD, to meet the challenge we face. 

The next steps for the Green Party

The local elections showed that our core support is strong. But with the next General Election just months away, the results also show we need to work much harder.

The main job of our next leader will be to win the confidence of a wider group of voters. We do that by delivering for them in Dáil Éireann - improving their lives practically in housing, childcare and transport through strong Green policies.

Over four years in Government, we have achieved so much on climate and protecting nature. But we know we’ve never been a single-issue party. Now we need to prove that to voters, much as Green Party’s across Europe have done. I’ve proved this in my own Department, delivering for families, for women, for the most vulnerable in our society. 

I’m asking for your support to put this into action for our Party.

My Commitments To Members

  • Deliver real climate action, restoring nature in towns, cities and the countryside and stopping pollution in our rivers and oceans, while supporting families, communities and the most vulnerable

  • A united party that works hard to defend every seat we hold, and win in all parts of Ireland.

  • A leadership that always listens, always engages, and values the hard work and dedication of every constituency group.