“I have worked closely with Roderic for all of my political career. His experience, dedication, strategic vision, and work ethic are what we need to lead our party through this next phase. He has my endorsement for the leadership of the Green Party, An Comhaontas Glas.”

Minister Malcolm Noonan

Minister of State for Nature, Heritage & Electoral Reform. Green Party T.D. for Carlow Kilkenny

“I’ve worked with Roderic on Fingal County Council, as a fellow member of the Parliamentary Party & a Minister facing and responding to huge challenges. The hardest working & most driven person I know & has been steeped in Green Party at every level for decades. Our best candidate for leader.”

Minister Joe O'Brien

Minister of State for Community Development, Integration & Charities, Green Party TD for Fingal

“I'll be giving Roderic my backing to become the leader of the Greens in Ireland. He has a lifetime of experience, knows the party root and branch, and can tie together two founding principles of our party - facing the environmental crisis while respecting social justice.”

Marc Ó Cathasaigh

Green Party TD for Waterford

“I have campaigned with Roderic countless times throughout this island and benefited from his support and advice as both a candidate and campaign manager. As our next party leader, his electoral experience, strategic thinking and track record of helping candidates throughout our country would be critical to our success in the next General Election and beyond. 

He has consistently inspired, motivated and supported our members recognising the value and importance of all we contribute. I have witnessed and experienced  this from my electoral work, setting up new local groups and as National Coordinator of the party. This is vital in reinvigorating our membership and inspiring others to support us. 

Roderic's passion for implementing our policies and commitment to making life better for everyone has been evident to me when I have accompanied him on ministerial visits. This alongside his ability to handle challenging issues, as evident in his ministry, and not shy from dealing with them head on makes him the best choice for our next party leader”

Méabh Cody

Former National Coordinator, party member for 17 years

“I have known Roderic for a very long time! You won’t meet a more capable and hardworking politician! He has been the driving force in our party’s survival and success for over a decade. I am delighted to support, endorse and nominate him for the leadership of the Green Party!”

Cllr Marianne Butler

Louth County Councillor since 2009

“It is vital that the next Green Party Leader brings back the people & voters on our side. I trust Roderic , with his vision, determination, and energy, to achieve this goal. I will give him my nomination. The Best of Luck to you, Roderic”

Cllr Honore Kamegni

Deputy Lord Mayor of Cork City Council

“Roderic's contribution to the Green Party's survival and growth has been immeasurable, and through it all, he’s shown grit, determination, and drive, but decency and fair-mindedness too. These are the qualities we need in a new leader, and he has my support to take our party forward.”

Cllr Carolyn Moore

Dublin City Councillor for Kimmage-Rathmines

“Delighted to see my colleague and friend Roderic standing forward to lead the Green Party.

He brings decades of experience and will make an excellent leader. I am honoured to endorse and nominate him.”

Cllr Eva Elizabeth Dowling

Green leader Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

“I am very happy to say that I'll be endorsing Roderic for the leadership of the Irish Greens, the only truly cross-community all-island party capable of representing everyone on the island Roderic has been a huge force in Irish politics & will be a great leader for our party”

Cllr Anthony Flynn

Belfast City Councillor for East Belfast - Ormiston DEA

“I think Roderic will make an excellent leader of the Green Party. Like Eamon, like the party itself, he's someone who runs towards the fire - he looks for the hardest, most important problems, the ones that other people avoid, and he tries to solve them.

I've seen him do a huge amount of work in his department, but also to build the party. He has always been there with advice and support, because he has always believed that the work we are doing is important.”

Cllr Ray Cunningham

Dublin City Councillor for Ballyfermot-Drimnagh

“Roderic knows how to fight and win campaigns - even in places where there is little natural Green vote. We'll need that.

He carved out a council and then Dáil seat through sheer hard work, in a time and place where the Greens were at a low ebb. I want him to be able to apply that same approach as leader of our party, growing our representation across this island. 

He has the principles, energy, and experience we need. There is no one better in the Greens for the job, as far as I'm concerned. I would vote for Roderic a thousand times over..”

Cllr Michael Pidgeon

Green Leader, Dublin City Council, and Councillor for South West Inner City

“Roderic is a friend and a colleague. He's Green to the core and has been involved in building a fairer and more sustainable future since he was 10 years old. I'm delighted to nominate him as our next party leader!”

Cllr Feljin Jose

Dublin City Councillor for Cabra/Glasnevin. Former Chairperson of Dublin Commuters Coalition

“I'll be nominating Roderic O'Gorman for the next leader of the Green Party/Comhaontas Glas. A leader inside the party for many years and someone who lives the values of environmental and social justice. We need someone with vast electoral experience too and someone who can win.”

Cllr Oisín O'Connor

Councillor for Glencullen-Sandyford

“This week presents an opportunity for the Green Party to refresh and renew. I'm backing Rod to bring a new leadership and a new vision forward for the Greens. I've known Roderic since he was my law lecturer in DCU, and I trust him to bring a renewed Green Party message to voters.”

Cllr Robert Jones

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Councillor for Dundrum

“I'm delighted to see Roderic stepping forward for leadership. Roderic has been incredibly supportive within the party and especially so in difficult situations. That kind of collaborative support is exactly what the party needs in our leader.”

Micheal Kennedy

Young Greens - Óige Ghlas Membership Officer

“Roderic has been such an amazing mentor during our time together on Fingal County Council and was a strong leader as Cathaoirleach as the Greens. I am proudly backing Roderic to be the next leader of the Greens and bring the party into a new era.

I met Roderic for the first time in 2014 when a group of young people wanted to chat with local election candidates about issues affecting them. Roderic was the one who listened & spoke to us as equals, while most spoke down to us. This is who I want as leader of the Greens.”

Daniel Whooley

Deputy Lord Mayor of Fingal County Council 2021-2022

“When Green electoral support was low, Roderic put in the hard, unglamorous work to rebuild the party. When Green electoral support was high, Roderic harnessed this into real action and improved the lives of people in every county of Ireland. He's proven he can deliver, in good times and in bad. Whatever the future holds, I'd trust Rod to help navigate it.”

Cormac Manning

Cork Greens, East Belfast Greens.