Update – DART upgrade for Maynooth/N3 line

Irish rail extended the deadline of the public consultation on the DART+ West Emerging Preferred Option. Submissions must be made by 5pm on21st October 2020.

You can see the documents about DART+ programme for the Maynooth line here and the link to the public consultation is here.

The Emerging Preferred Option includes some major changes to the railway line in Dublin West, with plans to close level crossings and alternative methods for crossing the line included in the plans. Many of you have been in touch with me to outline various concerns in relation to these changes, particularly in relation to the proposal for the Coolmine level crossing.

As a result of the issues raised with me, I met with the Chief Executive of Irish Rail, Jim Meade and the project manager Peter Muldoon. I outlined my concerns with the consultation process, the matrices that led to the selection of the ‘emerging preferred route’ and highlighted the issues with the emerging preferred route on communities in my constituency.

I have also spoken with Minister Eamon Ryan and outline to him the very serious issues with certain elements of the current emerging preferred route.

I’m currently preparing my own submission at the moment. I will be indicating my very strong support for the overall DART+ programme, but I will also be highlighting my concerns with some of the proposals for level crossings and in the case of Coolmine, I will be calling on Irish Rail to pursue an alternative for this location.


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DART upgrade for the Maynooth/M3 line