Support for families at risk of domestic violence must be maintained

Responding to new figures from Gardaí showing a 25% increase in the number of domestic violence calls, Green Party Justice Spokesperson Roderic O’Gorman TD said:

“I’d like to pay tribute to domestic violence service providers, who continued their invaluable work in incredibly difficult circumstances over the last two months, and also to An Garda Siochána for Operation Faoiseamh.  

“We need to be mindful that this surge in domestic violence cases is unlikely to recede and we know that reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg. Support for domestic violence services and prioritisation by the Gardaí must be maintained through the phases of Reopening.

“Most importantly, we should remain mindful of families at risk of domestic violence. They are often extremely vulnerable and suffering in silence. Responding to this in the context of coronavirus has been vital, but we now need to work a national preventative strategy for domestic violence.”

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