My motion on a Cycling Officer for Fingal has passed

I am absolutely delighted my motion calling for a full time Cycling Officer for Fingal County Council was passed (unanimously!) at the full council meeting. Cllr. David Healy and I have been working for this for years. If I am re-elected in May, I will be working to ensure that this new position is delivered and that it is rapidly filled. You can see the discussion of the issue here.

Dublin as a city is decades behind many similar sized European cities when it comes to cycling. There are well over 100,000 people living in Fingal, who are in commuting distance of the city centre, never-mind employment centres that might be closer. Fingal needs a dedicated official who can marshal the various cycling projects that we have on our books, and the various projects that other state agencies are undertaking which touch on the issue.

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