Blanch Tidy Towns: 1st Clean-Up

Last Autumn, myself and Colin Moore called together a meeting of residents of Blanchardstown village and surrounding areas, with a view to re-establishing a Tidy Towns group for the village.

I was delighted to see that work culminate last weekend with the first clean-up of the village. 20 volunteers shifted over 40 bags of rubbish, which was collected with the support of Fingal County Council.

We’ve a really strong committee formed, we are working on a 3 Year Action Plan for the village and we have received sponsorship from Ebay and particularly Supervalue in the village.We are looking for more residents to get involved. The group is totally non-political – I’m there as a resident of the village, not as a Green. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact us on:

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My motion on a Cycling Officer for Fingal has passed