Government approval for legislation allowing delay to maternity leave in cases of serious illness

In October last year, I announced plans to introduce legislation allowing women undergoing treatment for cancer or other serious illnesses to postpone their maternity leave. I am pleased to have received Cabinet approval for this important legislation. This follows a campaign by the Irish Cancer Society and will ensure that these women can fully enjoy their maternity leave once their medical treatment has concluded.


Maternity leave is a crucial time for mothers and their babies to bond, and no one should be forced to use that time for medical treatment. The legislation approved today will enable mothers to postpone their maternity leave if needed, allowing them to focus on their treatment and retain that precious time with their baby.


This legislation includes other significant changes, including ensuring that female TDs and Senators are entitled to take maternity leave. If we are serious about promoting female participation in politics, it is essential that female TDs and Senators have the same rights as women in other parts of the workforce.


These changes reflect our commitment to supporting women and families, ensuring that all mothers, regardless of their profession or health circumstances, have the opportunity to fully experience the critical bonding period with their newborns. By addressing these issues, we are taking a meaningful step towards a more inclusive and supportive society.


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