An Bord Pleanála refuses planning permission for Old Schoolhouse Clonsilla SHD

An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for 198 Build-to-Rent apartments as part of the Old Schoolhouse Clonsilla SHD.

This welcome decision was taken following submissions from myself and Green Party councillors, outlining the negative impact such a development would have for the local environment.

An Bord Pleanála rejected the planning permission on the basis that it would be contrary to the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 and premature to grant permission ahead of any further ecological assessments.

It concluded that the scale and positioning of the apartment blocks, including the removal of trees and vegetation along the area would adversely alter the character of the location and have a negative impact on natural heritage and wildlife.

This is a positive decision for our local heritage and wildlife, and I’d like to offer my thanks to everyone who engaged in the planning process and reached out to me ahead of this decision.

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