Additional Funding for Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Services

I am delighted to announce additional funding of €4.7 million to support domestic, sexual and gender-based violence (DSGBV) services across the country in 2021.

I am hopeful that these additional resources will enable services to continue their valuable supports for victims and their families at a very vulnerable time in their lives.

In 2021, a total of €30m will bemade available from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability,Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to Tusla to fund DSGBV services. This includes a€2.7m increase in core funding to €28m, with an additional €2m of once-offcontingency funding also being made available to help services cope with theongoing effects of Covid-19. This represents in total for 2021 a €4.7m increaseover the original 2020 figure allocated to Tusla.

The increase in funding represents my commitment to prioritising and supporting the most vulnerable in our society. It recognises the epidemic of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, which is being intensified amidst the COVID-19 public health emergency. You can see me talking about domestic, sexual and gender-based violence here.

I am particularly pleased to be able to increase funding during COVID-19. At this time, people experiencing domestic, sexual and gender-based violence may feel they have nowhere to turn. This is not the case. If you are experiencing abuse, or if you know anyone in that situation, there are local services that can help you or provide advice. You are not alone.

The following websites and helplines are available for anyone who may need support.

Women's Aid Helpline: 1800 341 900

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre Helpline: 1800 77 8888

Male Advice Line Helpline: 1800 816 588

Men’s Aid Ireland Helpline: 01 554 3811

A range of local services are also available throughout the country. A list of available services are provided from the Still Here website and directly from Tusla's website.

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