Update on public submissions on Phoenix Park Visitor Experience Strategic Review

The recent Phoenix Park Visitor Experience Strategic Review has caused a lot of concerns among residents of Dublin 15 and Dublin 7.

People who use the Phoenix Park on a regular basis are really worried that some of the proposals, like large temporary car parks within the Park, will see the area being over developed. I recently asked Catherine Martin TD to put forward question to the Minister for the Office of Public Works to find out when the OPW will be responding to the public concerns raised.

The reply from the Minister states that over 1,500 submissions came in. This is a very substantial number and demonstrates the level of interest amongst members of the public in the future of the Park. However, I was disappointed that the Minister wasn’t able to give clear details on how the OPW will respond to these public submissions.

While I accept that it will take some time to go through all these submissions and give them the consideration that they deserve, the OPW should be in a position to give a timeframe within which this will be done. There’s real worry about some of the proposals contained with the Review and it is important that clarity is given to the public as to whether the OPW are still going ahead with some or all of the proposals, or whether they accept that elements of what they were proposing were excessive.


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