Roderic O’Gorman TD and Cllr Pamela Conroy welcome Ireland’s first inclusive We-Go-Swing® to Millennium Park Playground

Dublin West TD and Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman and Green Party councillor for Castleknock & Blanchardstown Pamela Conroy have welcomed the introduction of an inclusive We-Go-Swing® at Millennium Park Playground. The new addition is Ireland’s first inclusive wheelchair accessible swing, and was opened by Fingal County Council on Saturday, 18 December 2021.

The We-Go-Swing® is a revolutionary step forward in inclusive play experiences. Designed to be integrated into the playground setting, this swing lets kids of all abilities play together and experience the thrill of swinging. With no need to transfer, the We-Go-Swing opens up a whole new world of playground fun.

Roderic O’Gorman TD said:

“The new wheelchair accessible We-Go-Swing is a very welcome addition to Millennium Park, which will make the playground a place of fun and activity for all children, and for all abilities. The swing’s really innovative design allows children to swing together, helping them to play in an inclusive way that everyone can enjoy.

This new feature is another example of how accessibility and inclusion is becoming integral to the design of our public spaces and facilities, including children’s play areas. It is the first of its kind opened in Ireland, and I look forward to seeing playgrounds around the country mirroring what we have here in Blanchardstown.”

Cllr Pamela Conroy said:

“The need for accessible, inclusive play equipment in our parks is something I have been raising since my first Area Committee Meeting last year, and so I am delighted to see that Fingal County Council has sourced a piece of play equipment that is not only accessible for wheelchair users but one that is also inclusive.

The We-Go-Swing is designed so that multiple children of all abilities can swing together, helping to ensure that all children are included, and that no one child is singled out because they are different. It is a wonderful addition to the playground, that will further promote inclusion and acceptance in our community, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact the swing has on the experience of children and their families in the area.”

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