Playground for Laurel Lodge

Laurel Lodge would benefit from a small, local playground which would be within walking distance of parents and children living in the area, similar to those that can be found in Hamilton Park, Bracken Park and Fairhaven.

Earlier this year I brought together a group of parents living in Laurel Lodge who had all expressed an interest in having a local playground to me. They set up a committee with the aim of obtaining a playground in their area. In support of the work they are doing I recently put forward a motion to Fingal County Council to set aside funding for a playground in Laurel Lodge.In my motion I outlined how such a playground should be as accessible and inclusive as possible. For example, the material on the ground should be foam instead of wood chipping which is dangerous to children with CF.

The Playground for Laurel Lodge Committee have been knocking on doors across the entire laurel lodge area, seeking the provision of a playground somewhere in the Laurel Lodge area. This petition, signed by over 700 Laurel Lodge residents, shows that there is demand in the community for a playground.

The Council officials will now investigate potential suitable sites across the Laurel Lodge area. Once a site is chosen, it will have to go through a planning process, where residents can make submissions as regards suitability, design etc.

Following my motion, Fingal have allocated €100,000 to provide funding for the playground in its Capital Programme 2020-2022.

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