‘Co-Living’ Planning Application at Brady’s Pub

Bartra Capital Property Ltd have submitted a planning application for a 210 bed-space ‘co-living’ development on the site of Brady’s Pub in Blanchardstown – application number SHDW/016/19.I have major concerns about this application, both in terms of the general concept of co-living and the specific size and scale of this building. At our Council meeting at the start of October, the Fingal planners made a presentation of the application, as they are required to under the law. Myself and other councillors had the opportunity to highlight our concerns to the planners. You can watch my own submission here.

My submission focused on a) the inappropriateness of not providing any parking for the development at a time when the existing public transport networks are unable to absorb large extra numbers of commuters b) the uncertainty about what happens to a co-living building after the initial 15 year requirement not to sell off the units as individual homes has passed c) the lack of sunlight that some of the units within the development will receive d) the overall excessive and inappropriate nature of this development being located at the Brady’s site.

The good news is that the Fingal planners came across as equally sceptical about the appropriateness of this development. Hopefully, this will strongly influence the decision of An Bord Pleanala.The deadline for submissions to An Bord Pleanala is Tuesday 22nd October.

Any person may, make a submission or observations in writing to:
An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1

Any submission or observation must be accompanied by the prescribed fee of €20.


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