Blanchardstown ‘Co-Living’ planning decision is a direct result of Fine Gael policy

I’m shocked and disappointed at the decision of An Bord Pleanala to grant planning permission for this co-living development on the Brady’s Pub site, even though their own inspector recommended rejection. Co-living is the wrong model for Ireland and this suburban site is absolutely the wrong place for co-living. This decision is a direct consequence of Fine Gael’s policies. The Guidelines that Minister Eoghan Murphy wrote in 2018 to allow for co-living developments and high density building out of the city centre are the direct basis on which An Bord Pleanala made this decision. There has been no thought put into the co-living model: what protections will be in place for the tenants who live in them, what can the buildings be used for if the rental companies sell them on in a few years?Over the last few months, I’ve been working closely with local residents who will be directly impacted by this development. I put in an objection to An Bord Pleanala as I felt it was completely the wrong design for this location, and I spoke against it at Fingal County Council. No doubt the Taoiseach and local Fine Gael reps will be criticising this particular decision. They need to understand that the decision is the direct result of their Government, their Minister and their policies. Submission - Bradys - An BP [PDF]

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Strategic Housing Development application at Windmill estate