Leave Our Leave

In this government, the Green Party have placed a strong emphasis on supporting and prioritising families. That is why we have introduced measures to improve the quality of life and well-being of parents and their children. Some of these measures include:

·       Enshrining the right to request remote working into law, so that workers can have more flexibility and balance in their work and family lives.


·       Extending paid parent’s leave from two weeks in 2020 to nine weeks from next year.


·       Reducing childcare costs by half over two budgets, making childcare more affordable and accessible for families.


We recognise that some people face unexpected and difficult circumstances that prevent them from taking their full entitlements. That is why, in October, I announced that I will be introducing legislation to allow women undergoing treatment for cancer or other serious illnesses postpone their maternity leave. This follows a campaign by the Irish Cancer Society, and will ensure that these women can fully enjoy their maternity leave once their medical treatment has conclude

This initiative is a significant step towards fostering a more supportive and compassionate society, where the well-being of families and individuals is at the forefront. It reflects the Green Party’s commitment to addressing real-world challenges faced by families and aligns with our vision of a fairer and greener Ireland, where everyone can thrive.


Growing up in Ireland


Continued Investment Reduces Childcare Costs by Minister Roderic O’Gorman